Sustainable Living



How did we get all this stuff? As we age, there seems to be less attachment to possessions or the need for possessions.  In the first half of my life, I was consumed by being a consumer.  I had to have the latest "stuff".  Even when I turned fifty, the entry point to the [...]


Simplify – Mavericks, iOS7 and the iPhone 5s


I have not been blogging for the last couple of months, and I feel freed from it.   My coaching practice is focused on busy executives that either need to get out of their current gig and start their own venture - or look at their current gig and change their "stinking thinking" about it. [...]

Simplify – Mavericks, iOS7 and the iPhone 5s2013-10-30T06:53:23-04:00

New Rules are Needed for Work-Life Balance


We are scales. Not the digitalized platform in which many of us fear. I mean the traditional, two-sided scale. It's common sense; when one side is more heavily weighted, the device is thrown off balance. We work the same way. Work-Life Balance is the key driver. From what I have learned from the last few [...]

New Rules are Needed for Work-Life Balance2013-08-31T09:49:09-04:00

Time Management – Calendars for your ventures


Whether it's for a business or our personal lives, we can hardly get through a day without checking our calendars. Time is money and time management is critical. We buy calendars with beautiful pictures representing each month, or we keep ourselves virtual with the use of calendar applications on our phones and computers. Calendars are [...]

Time Management – Calendars for your ventures2013-08-27T20:39:45-04:00

To Market


It is in our psyches - going to market in the morning to bring home the freshest whole foods. In fact, here in Pittsburgh, the largest food retailer has special stores with "Market" in its name, and in the South East, another grocer chain has opened stores with both "Fresh" and "Market" in its [...]

To Market2021-08-07T18:43:17-04:00

Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness


Two weeks ago, we began our focus on health and wellness with a listing of the various theories that we use as informational resources for our clients in our health and wellness offerings.  In my practice, I focus on a client's inner thought process that often destroys their approach to becoming healthy, and how [...]

Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness2021-08-08T12:29:32-04:00

Show me the money


I have found myself using another line from Jerry McGuire lately: "Help me help you; so why not show me the money this Tuesday morning?" Tuesday is our day to look at infrastructure to support the launch efforts of your venture. We started speaking to the web environments for mail and a public face, and [...]

Show me the money2013-08-20T07:03:06-04:00

Fresh Start


At one point, living past the age of fifty was quite the feat. Fortunately, we’ve come a long way since then thanks to brainpower and technology. Otherwise, I might not be here, writing this blog. Now, longevity is en vogue. While living to 120 seems a long ways away, it is not an unfathomable goal. [...]

Fresh Start2013-08-10T07:35:50-04:00

Wellness Doctors


Wellness is one the largest pieces of our practice, particularly with people in the second half of life. Because of this, we think it is important to start a series on profiling medical doctors that have developed approaches to treating the diseases of our age. Most of these are rooted in increased inflammation in the [...]

Wellness Doctors2013-08-08T07:31:22-04:00

The Turn


Six months ago today, I posted my last blog entry prior to this one and this one is different from most of my previous posts. This one is personal. I have not been in contact with you recently. The reason for that is that my wife, Melinda, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last October.  As a [...]

The Turn2013-04-07T20:07:14-04:00
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