Sustainable Living

Getting Well


What does getting well have to do with launching an on core venture?  Everything. In the second half of life, the behavior patterns we established in the first half start shouting at us. This takes form in issues such as Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, Depression, Boredom, Fatigue, and so on. We believe that the first step in [...]

Getting Well2012-10-21T08:14:32-04:00

Massage and Meditation


Yesterday was July 4th. It was a little over one year ago that I had my first massage at a spa. Now, I am no expert on the subject, having lived over sixty years before even experiencing my first treatment, but I can tell you that the experience transformed me. In terms of healing and [...]

Massage and Meditation2012-07-05T07:28:25-04:00

Wheat Belly


Several months ago, I read an article, on my iPAD, from Spirituality and Health talking about the findings from a book called "Wheat Belly.”  I was completely dumbfounded to learn that whole grain wheat, something millions of Americans believe to be a healthy food, is as bad for most people as the Wonder Bread of [...]

Wheat Belly2012-05-21T20:46:44-04:00
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