
Simplify – Mavericks, iOS7 and the iPhone 5s


I have not been blogging for the last couple of months, and I feel freed from it.   My coaching practice is focused on busy executives that either need to get out of their current gig and start their own venture - or look at their current gig and change their "stinking thinking" about it. [...]

Simplify – Mavericks, iOS7 and the iPhone 5s2013-10-30T06:53:23-04:00

The Neutral Zone


One book I have read and re-read over and over again is William Bridges' book, "The Way of Transition".   This is a publication that he wrote in 2001 after the death of his wife caused him to revisit the whole process of transition.  Clearly, his close ties to his wife significantly influenced this [...]

The Neutral Zone2021-08-07T18:30:54-04:00

Look at the Birds….they do not sow…


Last week, I talked about the different diet approaches that provide the basis for our own food choices in the second half of life, which is a good starting point for anyone looking to make their own choices.  My original intention was to simply summarize the points of each of the authors, but that [...]

Look at the Birds….they do not sow…2021-08-08T12:18:59-04:00

Fresh Start


At one point, living past the age of fifty was quite the feat. Fortunately, we’ve come a long way since then thanks to brainpower and technology. Otherwise, I might not be here, writing this blog. Now, longevity is en vogue. While living to 120 seems a long ways away, it is not an unfathomable goal. [...]

Fresh Start2013-08-10T07:35:50-04:00

Generation 13


No, this is not about the next series on the "House" genre… In the book "Generations, The History of America's future 1584 to 2069" published back in 1991, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe make a compelling case that the “Boomer” generation really only goes through 1960 and actually started in 1943. They contend that [...]

Generation 132012-07-03T08:40:47-04:00

Does Everyone Shift?


At some point, probably yes. But does everyone also become aware? In one of my favorite “lite” movies, Pretty Woman, a rich venture capitalist and a pretty young prostitute both shift to new ways of being in just four days.  The VC decides to begin working with the father figure of his newly acquired company to [...]

Does Everyone Shift?2012-05-17T08:00:29-04:00

Be Happy in your Work


A favorite movie line of mine,– and my children will tell you I have many,  comes from  Colonel Saito  in the Bridge on the River Kwai who says “Be happy in your work”. For a long time I tried to apply that advice to my own life. Last week, I was in NY, steps away [...]

Be Happy in your Work2012-05-10T08:00:29-04:00

Four phases of life


Life 3.0 I  believe that there are four phases of life. Life 3.0 is our definition for the third phase of life.  According to a book that I am reading on Transitions – called  “Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes” by William Bridges – in the Hindi tradition there were four phases of life.  These [...]

Four phases of life2021-08-07T19:08:39-04:00
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