
Wellness Doctors


Wellness is one the largest pieces of our practice, particularly with people in the second half of life. Because of this, we think it is important to start a series on profiling medical doctors that have developed approaches to treating the diseases of our age. Most of these are rooted in increased inflammation in the [...]

Wellness Doctors2013-08-08T07:31:22-04:00

Who cares for the caregiver?


"Til death do us part," are the words often proclaimed by newlyweds as they prepare to enter the world of married life. No one wants to think about the reality of that statement, but it's inevitable. At some point, we will be separated from our loved ones with one final breath. In spousal relationships, one [...]

Who cares for the caregiver?2013-08-03T07:00:56-04:00



It’s 1 AM. You’re lying in bed, unable to sleep. Your body is still, yet your mind is racing with the stress from an overhanging problem in your life. You try to swat away those pestering thoughts like a flea, but you just can’t seem to put your mind at ease In the weeks leading [...]


Vacation – Road Trip


The ocean does not just make up the majority our planet; it makes up part of my soul as well. It is a magical transformation: the salty air nourishes my body and frees my breathing, allowing me to center almost immediately. It seems like recently the environment of where we are living and the toxins [...]

Vacation – Road Trip2013-07-20T08:00:13-04:00

The Turn


Six months ago today, I posted my last blog entry prior to this one and this one is different from most of my previous posts. This one is personal. I have not been in contact with you recently. The reason for that is that my wife, Melinda, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last October.  As a [...]

The Turn2013-04-07T20:07:14-04:00



When creating onCOREventures, we decided to follow the teachings of Eric Reis describes in "The Lean Start-up".  Our understanding of that teaching is to build the minimum viable product, test it in the market, and based on that test, decide to either pivot or preserver. We work with people in the second half of life [...]


Getting Well


What does getting well have to do with launching an on core venture?  Everything. In the second half of life, the behavior patterns we established in the first half start shouting at us. This takes form in issues such as Diabetes, Cancer, Heart Disease, Obesity, Depression, Boredom, Fatigue, and so on. We believe that the first step in [...]

Getting Well2012-10-21T08:14:32-04:00

Massage and Meditation


Yesterday was July 4th. It was a little over one year ago that I had my first massage at a spa. Now, I am no expert on the subject, having lived over sixty years before even experiencing my first treatment, but I can tell you that the experience transformed me. In terms of healing and [...]

Massage and Meditation2012-07-05T07:28:25-04:00



The saying goes that all things come in three's. Whether these occurrences are good or bad is a matter of perspective but we seem to notice the pattern more often in “bad-times.” A few days ago I learned that a former colleague's wife suddenly died at work last week. Next I heard that another former [...]


The R Word – Relationships


No not retirement…relationships. It does not matter who I coach and for what, eventually and usually sooner rather than later, it is all about relationships.  For me it has always been about relationships, especially my spousal relationship. My first marriage lasted twenty years and, as I approach that timeframe with my second marriage, it occurs [...]

The R Word – Relationships2012-06-05T07:00:23-04:00
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