
How are your evolving?


Evolution not revolution I am a member of a generation that wanted to rebel against the establishment and then we became the establishment.  The Beatles got it and sang about us being a group that did not want to really rebel when they sang "Revolution" in the watershed year of 1968.  For those of [...]

How are your evolving?2021-08-05T00:58:10-04:00



Cancer - a word you do not want to hear from your doctor When my wife was diagnosed with cancer twenty months ago, we immediately began to research both conventional allopathic treatment and alternative options, along with how to prevent a recurrence. For her breast cancer, it was clear that conventional treatment was the [...]


Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness


Two weeks ago, we began our focus on health and wellness with a listing of the various theories that we use as informational resources for our clients in our health and wellness offerings.  In my practice, I focus on a client's inner thought process that often destroys their approach to becoming healthy, and how [...]

Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness2021-08-08T12:29:32-04:00

Who cares for the caregiver?


"Til death do us part," are the words often proclaimed by newlyweds as they prepare to enter the world of married life. No one wants to think about the reality of that statement, but it's inevitable. At some point, we will be separated from our loved ones with one final breath. In spousal relationships, one [...]

Who cares for the caregiver?2013-08-03T07:00:56-04:00

The Turn


Six months ago today, I posted my last blog entry prior to this one and this one is different from most of my previous posts. This one is personal. I have not been in contact with you recently. The reason for that is that my wife, Melinda, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last October.  As a [...]

The Turn2013-04-07T20:07:14-04:00



When creating onCOREventures, we decided to follow the teachings of Eric Reis describes in "The Lean Start-up".  Our understanding of that teaching is to build the minimum viable product, test it in the market, and based on that test, decide to either pivot or preserver. We work with people in the second half of life [...]




The saying goes that all things come in three's. Whether these occurrences are good or bad is a matter of perspective but we seem to notice the pattern more often in “bad-times.” A few days ago I learned that a former colleague's wife suddenly died at work last week. Next I heard that another former [...]


Father’s Day


I used to hate Father's day.  As a feminist male, I bought into the "fact" that every Sunday was Father's Day. Certainly my family of origin and my first wife's family of origin celebrated this event every week.  I never really understood exactly what Father's day was supposed to be about. What was a Father's [...]

Father’s Day2012-06-19T08:22:30-04:00

Integral Relationships


In my last post I discussed the concept of OnCore or Integral relationships. In order to have on OnCore relationship, at least one partner must be aware and living an on core Life 3.0.  For both partners to be in that frame of mind is a bonus, but more often than not, people and relationships [...]

Integral Relationships2012-06-14T08:06:02-04:00

The R Word – Relationships


No not retirement…relationships. It does not matter who I coach and for what, eventually and usually sooner rather than later, it is all about relationships.  For me it has always been about relationships, especially my spousal relationship. My first marriage lasted twenty years and, as I approach that timeframe with my second marriage, it occurs [...]

The R Word – Relationships2012-06-05T07:00:23-04:00
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