Life 3.0

Home Again


Home sweet home. That was my initial thought as I arrived at the ocean last week. And I was to my Life 2.0 home, in a setting that combined my Life 1.0 environment. But Life 3.0, that age of the evening of life, is not like the age of growing up, or the age of [...]

Home Again2013-07-30T07:47:50-04:00



It’s 1 AM. You’re lying in bed, unable to sleep. Your body is still, yet your mind is racing with the stress from an overhanging problem in your life. You try to swat away those pestering thoughts like a flea, but you just can’t seem to put your mind at ease In the weeks leading [...]


Vacation – Road Trip


The ocean does not just make up the majority our planet; it makes up part of my soul as well. It is a magical transformation: the salty air nourishes my body and frees my breathing, allowing me to center almost immediately. It seems like recently the environment of where we are living and the toxins [...]

Vacation – Road Trip2013-07-20T08:00:13-04:00

The Turn


Six months ago today, I posted my last blog entry prior to this one and this one is different from most of my previous posts. This one is personal. I have not been in contact with you recently. The reason for that is that my wife, Melinda, was diagnosed with Breast Cancer last October.  As a [...]

The Turn2013-04-07T20:07:14-04:00



When creating onCOREventures, we decided to follow the teachings of Eric Reis describes in "The Lean Start-up".  Our understanding of that teaching is to build the minimum viable product, test it in the market, and based on that test, decide to either pivot or preserver. We work with people in the second half of life [...]


Generation 13


No, this is not about the next series on the "House" genre… In the book "Generations, The History of America's future 1584 to 2069" published back in 1991, authors William Strauss and Neil Howe make a compelling case that the “Boomer” generation really only goes through 1960 and actually started in 1943. They contend that [...]

Generation 132012-07-03T08:40:47-04:00

Integral Relationships


In my last post I discussed the concept of OnCore or Integral relationships. In order to have on OnCore relationship, at least one partner must be aware and living an on core Life 3.0.  For both partners to be in that frame of mind is a bonus, but more often than not, people and relationships [...]

Integral Relationships2012-06-14T08:06:02-04:00

The R Word – Relationships


No not retirement…relationships. It does not matter who I coach and for what, eventually and usually sooner rather than later, it is all about relationships.  For me it has always been about relationships, especially my spousal relationship. My first marriage lasted twenty years and, as I approach that timeframe with my second marriage, it occurs [...]

The R Word – Relationships2012-06-05T07:00:23-04:00

Life 3.0 from an Integral Perspective


As readers of this blog have probably noticed, I have been struggling with an exact definition for “Life 3.0.” I know that it occurs after a "shift" and that it typically occurs during the second half of life. When I first enrolled in the IPEC coach training program, after paying my tuition but before attending [...]

Life 3.0 from an Integral Perspective2012-06-03T10:52:37-04:00

Did we make a difference?


I have been researching the third stage of life, what I call Life 3.0 for some time now. A trend which I am finding consistent is that the “reporting" on what "boomers" are doing with their lives is centered around "senior stuff.” This gives the impression that we are solely focused on creating systems, products, [...]

Did we make a difference?2012-05-31T08:38:53-04:00
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