


Cancer - a word you do not want to hear from your doctor When my wife was diagnosed with cancer twenty months ago, we immediately began to research both conventional allopathic treatment and alternative options, along with how to prevent a recurrence. For her breast cancer, it was clear that conventional treatment was the [...]


Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness


Two weeks ago, we began our focus on health and wellness with a listing of the various theories that we use as informational resources for our clients in our health and wellness offerings.  In my practice, I focus on a client's inner thought process that often destroys their approach to becoming healthy, and how [...]

Health and Wellness through Integrative Wellness2021-08-08T12:29:32-04:00

Look at the Birds….they do not sow…


Last week, I talked about the different diet approaches that provide the basis for our own food choices in the second half of life, which is a good starting point for anyone looking to make their own choices.  My original intention was to simply summarize the points of each of the authors, but that [...]

Look at the Birds….they do not sow…2021-08-08T12:18:59-04:00

Who cares for the caregiver?


"Til death do us part," are the words often proclaimed by newlyweds as they prepare to enter the world of married life. No one wants to think about the reality of that statement, but it's inevitable. At some point, we will be separated from our loved ones with one final breath. In spousal relationships, one [...]

Who cares for the caregiver?2013-08-03T07:00:56-04:00

Vacation – Road Trip


The ocean does not just make up the majority our planet; it makes up part of my soul as well. It is a magical transformation: the salty air nourishes my body and frees my breathing, allowing me to center almost immediately. It seems like recently the environment of where we are living and the toxins [...]

Vacation – Road Trip2013-07-20T08:00:13-04:00
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