
How are your evolving?


Evolution not revolution I am a member of a generation that wanted to rebel against the establishment and then we became the establishment.  The Beatles got it and sang about us being a group that did not want to really rebel when they sang "Revolution" in the watershed year of 1968.  For those of [...]

How are your evolving?2021-08-05T00:58:10-04:00



How did we get all this stuff? As we age, there seems to be less attachment to possessions or the need for possessions.  In the first half of my life, I was consumed by being a consumer.  I had to have the latest "stuff".  Even when I turned fifty, the entry point to the [...]


Multi-level Marketing as an On-Core Venture


Lately, I have begun to work more closely with Multi-Level marketing (MLM) people through my membership in BNI. I have to admit, I have previously held a negative bias about MLM.  This perspective is rooted in an experience with one MLM in particular which directly affected a friendship. These friends, unfortunately “drank the Kool-Aide” [...]

Multi-level Marketing as an On-Core Venture2021-08-06T14:44:43-04:00

You are not broken


Many people are stuck in victim energy or see others as victims - what if we were not broken?  We choose to remain broken, it is a way of being a victim and not needing to take responsibility for ourselves.  We become our disease.  Oh, I can't do that - I have cancer. Or [...]

You are not broken2021-08-07T19:12:40-04:00

I Am


This past Tuesday completed three weeks of intense effort around the completion of the iPEC training program for Energy Leadership.  It has been a time of growth, reflection, and a lot of work. Working with my coach this week - yes coaches have coaches too- we processed a lot of this growth and I identified the feeling [...]

I Am2012-04-12T08:17:04-04:00

Letting it Be


Early in my “first-life” career, I remember an employee telling of being taught by a priest at Cardinal Mooney High School in Youngstown Ohio to take a time out and just “Be”.  The conversation edged on mockery and, as I was at that time parent to a teenager, the idea of any high school kid [...]

Letting it Be2012-04-05T08:18:58-04:00
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