
How are your evolving?


Evolution not revolution I am a member of a generation that wanted to rebel against the establishment and then we became the establishment.  The Beatles got it and sang about us being a group that did not want to really rebel when they sang "Revolution" in the watershed year of 1968.  For those of [...]

How are your evolving?2021-08-05T00:58:10-04:00



How did we get all this stuff? As we age, there seems to be less attachment to possessions or the need for possessions.  In the first half of my life, I was consumed by being a consumer.  I had to have the latest "stuff".  Even when I turned fifty, the entry point to the [...]


Learning from Millennials


Insights from Millennials I read a blog post from Huffington Post recently that solidified my thoughts on the wisdom of youth and the evolution of the collective unconsciousness. Today’s young adult generation “Millennials”, to a large degree, realize intuitively something that took me many years to learn and that is that Boomers got it all wrong [...]

Learning from Millennials2021-08-06T14:37:59-04:00

You are not broken


Many people are stuck in victim energy or see others as victims - what if we were not broken?  We choose to remain broken, it is a way of being a victim and not needing to take responsibility for ourselves.  We become our disease.  Oh, I can't do that - I have cancer. Or [...]

You are not broken2021-08-07T19:12:40-04:00

New Rules are Needed for Work-Life Balance


We are scales. Not the digitalized platform in which many of us fear. I mean the traditional, two-sided scale. It's common sense; when one side is more heavily weighted, the device is thrown off balance. We work the same way. Work-Life Balance is the key driver. From what I have learned from the last few [...]

New Rules are Needed for Work-Life Balance2013-08-31T09:49:09-04:00

Inflammation – It’s the Environment, Stupid!


What do cancer, heart disease, arthritis, diabetes, Alzheimer's all have in common? Besides being words that we hope never come out of our doctors' mouths, there's something else; inflammation. Our bodies environment is hot, fat and crowded. Makes you cringe a little, doesn't it? The standard American diet has been cited by the six doctors [...]

Inflammation – It’s the Environment, Stupid!2013-08-29T17:54:06-04:00

To Market


It is in our psyches - going to market in the morning to bring home the freshest whole foods. In fact, here in Pittsburgh, the largest food retailer has special stores with "Market" in its name, and in the South East, another grocer chain has opened stores with both "Fresh" and "Market" in its [...]

To Market2021-08-07T18:43:17-04:00
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