
Marketing and Coaching Articles

Articles about how you can improve your health on your own

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Cancer - a word you do not want to hear from your doctor When my wife was diagnosed with cancer twenty months ago, we immediately began to research both conventional allopathic treatment and alternative options, along with how to prevent a recurrence. For her breast cancer, it was clear [...]

You are not broken

Many people are stuck in victim energy or see others as victims - what if we were not broken?  We choose to remain broken, it is a way of being a victim and not needing to take responsibility for ourselves.  We become our disease.  Oh, I can't do that [...]

Simplify – Mavericks, iOS7 and the iPhone 5s

I have not been blogging for the last couple of months, and I feel freed from it.   My coaching practice is focused on busy executives that either need to get out of their current gig and start their own venture - or look at their current gig and change [...]

Launching Your Second Career as the New Retirement

“You can do it alone. But it's going to be so much harder." It sounds somewhat harsh, but author Jennifer Egan hits the nail on the head. Launching your second career venture is not a solo practice, even if you are a solopreuneur. It takes a village to launch your [...]

New Rules are Needed for Work-Life Balance

We are scales. Not the digitalized platform in which many of us fear. I mean the traditional, two-sided scale. It's common sense; when one side is more heavily weighted, the device is thrown off balance. We work the same way. Work-Life Balance is the key driver. From what I have [...]


If you are like me – you need someone to bounce ideas off of – I am happy to give you time to do just that.

The best way to see if we are a good fit is in a free complimentary discovery session.

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