
Multi-level Marketing as an On-Core Venture


Lately, I have begun to work more closely with Multi-Level marketing (MLM) people through my membership in BNI. I have to admit, I have previously held a negative bias about MLM.  This perspective is rooted in an experience with one MLM in particular which directly affected a friendship. These friends, unfortunately “drank the Kool-Aide” [...]

Multi-level Marketing as an On-Core Venture2021-08-06T14:44:43-04:00



When creating onCOREventures, we decided to follow the teachings of Eric Reis describes in "The Lean Start-up".  Our understanding of that teaching is to build the minimum viable product, test it in the market, and based on that test, decide to either pivot or preserver. We work with people in the second half of life [...]

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