I am certified as a professional coach as well as a health coach. As a coach, it is my responsibility to help clients go where they want to r need to go with their growth. I sometimes helo clients deal with their health and wellness and we put their coaching launch on hold until they get centered. being centered comes from having your five primary food groups satisfied by your lifestyle. you can not coach anyone until you do that. If you don’t your Gremlin of not being enough will raise its ugly head and zap you down to victim level energy and you will fail/
Primary Food Groups
One of the central teachings of my health coach program that I completed through IIN (Institute of Integrative Nutrition) is the concept of primary food groups. You will see they have little to do with food.
The five primary foods are:
- Exercise
- Relationships
- Career
- Spirituality
- Whole foods
And drink the water that is required by your body type, which is more than the eight – eight-ounce glasses of water most people recommend.
At On-Core Ventures, we know that while all humans have similar nutritional needs at the macro level, we are still all unique individuals with different specific dietary requirements. As in all things, the key to unraveling the “diet” mystery is a balance of knowledge (understanding the science) and intuition (listening to our bodies). Our signature food and nutrition program is a six-month program that covers twelve discreet topics that build on one another to educate our clients on key items including:
- What is the current state of knowledge from a variety of sources on healthy eating?
- How much protein do you need?
- What limiting beliefs do you have around your food intake and or body type?
- How does time management affect your ability to eat healthy food?
- What do your cravings mean and how can you control them?
- How do your relationships affect what you eat?
- What can your intuition tell you about your digestion?
- How are what you eat and what your mood is linked?
- How does your body type affect you and what you should eat?
- How do you get the right nutrition “on the go”?
Near the completion stage of the nutrition program, we return to the visioning exercise used in our discovery program. This is designed to look at what your desired visualization means for your career and lifestyle and how you can bring it all together to create the life you want.
This program entails either weekly or biweekly 45-minute coaching sessions (typically via tele/web conference), reading assignments, educational material, recipes, and email contact with your coach between sessions to ensure success in your lifestyle change. We stress that this is not a “diet”, but rather a program to help you create a new way of being in harmony with your desires, your natural body type, and temperament. Unlike many “health coaching” programs, our program allows you to take leadership of your own wellness. To that end, we combine coaching to overcome habitual behavior and education.
Not ready for a private coaching commitment but still wanting to make this Journey into Wellness? No Problem. We have begun offering the program to groups. Contact me for more information.